Residential and Home Properties

Your property taxes are based on a percentage of your home's fair market value. But determining a home's fair market value is not an exact science. Assessors make mistakes or unsupported assumptions. Sometimes they choose inappropriate methods to determine the value of your house and use inappropriate comparable sales as compared to your property. They may over-value improvements to the property.

If you believe that your home was over-valued by the assessor, resulting in high property taxes, Garippa Lotz & Giannuario can help you appeal that assessment.  We have helped homeowners throughout New Jersey successfully challenge their residential property tax assessment, resulting in substantial tax savings.

We have successfully represented property owners throughout New Jersey. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss strategies for reducing the assessed value of single-family homes, townhouses, duplexes, condos or other residential property. 

View a partial list of towns where we have successfully appealed property taxes.